-Medical equipment-

For Medical Equipment we are representatives of well known names in USA and Germany, who are acknowledged services provider for CT Scanners .

In addition to the supply of equipment, we also provide general maintenance, spare part supply as well as efficient and fast system repair.
This is proved by the growing acceptance of our reliable services by various equipment owners using equipment supplied by our principlals.

Presently we are supplying the following Medical equipment

CT Scanners • MRI
• Ultrasound • Mammography
• Nuclear Medicine and other equipment



Equipment procurement is according to strict Quality Control

Each system is completely inspected and tested which enables us to provide an exact report about the equipment's condition. No unit is purchased unless it is in full working order according to its manufacturer's specification. After a second absolutely satisfactory inspection on the day of dismantling the system is taken over by our principals and set free for deinstallation. All dismantling procedures are exclusively performed by engineers and specialists.

After successful dismantling the equipment is shipped to the client's destination in India under our supervision. The import documentation and other formalities are completed by us on behalf of the client

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